Today, three lead water agencies broke ground on the first phase of a regional recycled water project that will keep recycled water in local groundwater basins for future use. East Valley Water District (East Valley), San Bernardino Municipal Water Department (San Bernardino Water), and San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) are partnering on a multi-phase regional recycled water project that includes infrastructure to store and transport water through Highland and San Bernardino.
The Weaver Basins Groundbreaking was held at the site on Greenspot Road in the City of Highland. This groundbreaking is just one part of Phase I of a larger Regional Recycled Water System. Included in Phase I is the installation of a 30-inch pipeline which will bring water to the Weaver Basins site. Phase II of the project will include extension of the Regional Recycled Water System through construction of Dike D and the Enhanced Recharge Basins, and connection to San Bernardino Water's Tertiary Treatment System (TTS).
"The Weaver Basins are one critical piece of the regional puzzle and an investment in our region's long-term water supply sustainability," commented East Valley Board Chairman Phillip R. Goodrich. "Thanks to the collaboration between East Valley, San Bernardino Water, and Valley District, the region will benefit from recycled water."
The project provides a new local, reliable, and drought-proof water supply that will increase long- term regional water supply reliability and drought resilience. Recycled water will augment the local groundwater supply of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin. Highly treated water from East Valley's Sterling Natural Resource Center (SNRC) and San Bernardino Water's Tertiary Treatment System will be conveyed for groundwater recharge to the newly constructed Weaver Basins.
"Regional efforts have been ongoing to replenish groundwater in the San Bernardino Basin, especially given the ongoing drought conditions over the last few years," stated San Bernardino Water Board President, Toni Callicott. "Even without rain, we will always have a source of recycled water that can be treated and kept locally. It's exciting to be designing and building these facilities now."
As the regional wholesale water provider, Valley District has spearheaded this and other projects throughout the region that can augment groundwater supplies, increase local storage, and reduce overall water use. Valley District imports State Water Project water for direct deliveries and groundwater recharge in the San Bernardino Basin for local retail water providers, including East Valley and San Bernardino Water.
"We're pleased to partner with the retailers on projects that will keep water locally for future use," added President Paul Kielhold, Valley District Board President. "As the drought conditions worsen in California, it is essential to have the facilities in place that can capture the water supply when it is available. That's exactly what the Weaver Basins project will allow us to do."
The SNRC will be capable of treating up to 8 million gallons a day, with water recycled at the facility undergoing a rigorous treatment process using state-of-the-art technology before being recharged into the local groundwater supply. The TTS will provide an additional treatment capacity of up to 5 million gallons per day which will contribute to regional groundwater recharge for the San Bernardino valley. (Recycled water flows available for recharge are estimated to be 8 million gallons per day (MGD) and reaching up to approximately 13 MGD based on future SNRC and TTS production.) It is expected that the Weaver Basins project will be completed in December 2022.
For more information, please call 909-387-9200 or email [email protected].
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About San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
Valley District is a State Water contractor that provides supplemental water to 14 retail water agencies from Fontana to Yucaipa, meeting the water needs of over 700,000 business and residential customers. In addition to providing supplemental water from Northern California, Valley District is responsible for long-range water planning throughout its 325 square mile service area, including importing supplemental water, groundwater management, and local resources development including stormwater capture, recycled water, and water conservation. For more information about Valley District and water use efficiency, visit or follow us on Facebook (@SBValley District) and Twitter (@SBVMWD).
East Valley Water District was formed in 1954 and provides water and wastewater services to over 103,000 residents within the City of Highland and portions of both the City and County of San Bernardino. EVWD operates under the direction of a 5-member elected Board. More information is available at
About San Bernardino Municipal Water Department
Established by the City of San Bernardino Charter in 1905, the San Bernardino Municipal Water Department is a municipal utility serving a population of more than 222,000, encompassing a forty-five square mile area of the City of San Bernardino and its surrounding communities. SBMWD also provides Water Reclamation services for the cities of San Bernardino and Loma Linda as well as Sewer Collection services for the City of San Bernardino. For over a century, SBMWD has been committed to delivering trusted, quality service to residents and ratepayers. Please visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@SBCity Water) for more information.
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