The District has two sources for water: groundwater and surface water.

East Valley Water District produces 75% of our water supply from local groundwater wells. These wells are located in the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin.

Up to 20% of water provided to District customers is from the Santa Ana River through the North Fork Water Company. Imported State Water Project accounts for the remaining 10-15% of water supply.

Watch: Where Your Water Comes From

Surface Water Treatment Plant

The Surface Water Treatment Plant treats local surface water from the Santa Ana River and purchased water from the State Water Project’s Devil’s Canyon Pump station. The water goes through several treatment processes and disinfection prior to delivery.

This facility provides approximately 25% of the water delivered to our customers. East Valley Water District has access to the State Water Project through our San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. While State Water Project deliveries are an important component of the District’s long-term water plan, it has accounted for approximately 10% of water usage since 2010.