January 13, 2022

EVWD Receives National Recognition for the Annual Budget and Popular Annual Financial Report

East Valley Water District (District) received the Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award for the Popular Annual Financial Report.

Focused in developing comprehensive and transparent financial documents, East Valley Water District looks to third-party organizations to provide valuable benchmarks in reporting accessibility and effectiveness. The District submitted the Annual Budget and Popular Annual Financial Report to be judged by an impartial panel and assess the District's financial documents against nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentations. "East Valley Water District works hard to be stewards of the available resources and to present the information in a transparent, meaningful fashion," said Board Chairman Phillip Goodrich.

In addition to the District's Annual Budget, the Popular Annual Financial Report was developed to summarize financial information appearing in the Annual Financial Report and created to provide valuable information related to District's budgetary health and the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. The District produces these documents throughout the year to ensure the financial status are communicated and reported for the public's review.

"The awards demonstrate East Valley Water District's commitment to the community and our customers," said John Mura, General Manager/CEO. "These documents give the community an opportunity to see how we plan for a given year and assess how we measured against that plan.'

The District places the budget documents, financial reports and polices on the website for all members of the public to access and review. For information about East Valley Water District, including the latest financial documents, visit eastvalley.org.

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East Valley Water District was formed in 1954 and provides water and wastewater services to over 103,000 residents within the City of Highland and portions of both the City and County of San Bernardino. EVWD operates under the direction of a 5-member elected Board. More information is available at www.eastvalley.org

Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) advances excellence in government finance by providing best practices, professional development, resources, and practical research for more than 21,000 members and the communities they serve.

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