About the Ralph M. Brown Act
Throughout California's history, local legislative bodies have brought participatory democracy to the citizens of the state. Local legislative bodies - such as boards, councils, and commissions - are created in recognition of the fact that several minds are better than one, and that through debate and discussion, the best ideas will emerge.
An important piece of this process is the participation of the general public. The law, which guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies, is the Ralph M. Brown Act, also known as the Brown Act. For the the most up-to-date legislative code pertaining to the Brown Act, click here: Brown Act Legislative Code
Since it was established in 1953, the Ralph M. Brown Act requires that California city councils, county boards, and other local government bodies, including East Valley Water District, deliberate and take action openly, where the public is allowed to attend and participate.
East Valley Water District Meetings
East Valley Water District regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Agendas for all meetings are available online.