The District applies a fixed commodity rate per hundred cubic feet of water used and monthly meter charge for non-residential customers. Wastewater rates include a fixed and variable charge.
Commodity rates cover cost that vary based upon the amount of water delivered. This rate applies to non-residential customers and reflect monthly usage per 1 hundred cubic feet (HCF).
As a government agency, East Valley Water District is required by law to only charge its customers the costs associated with providing water services.
Initiation of Service Charge:$35 / Service Address
Final Disconnect Notice Charge (when disconnect notice is generated):$30 (effective June 1, 2021)
Temporary Service Charge (Fire Hydrant Meter): $2,700 deposit + monthly meter fee + $4.10 per hundred cubic feet of metered water
Fire protection charges reflect a monthly service charge, based on connection size, for private fire services. Revenues from these charges cover the costs associated with maintaining these facilities. These charges do not typically apply to most residential customers.
Fire Service Charge: Monthly connection rate + $2.19 per hundred cubic feet of metered water.
The new structure would simplify this process by creating four primary categories for all non-residential customers based on the concentration of organic materials and suspended solids in the wastewater they discharge.
Calculation: Monthly fixed charge + monthly variable charge = Monthly wastewater charges.
*Billed per unit of HCF.
The East Valley Water District Board of Directors adopted a budget based rated billing structure effective June 1, 2015.